Frequently Asked Questions


What is Reiki anyway?

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that uses universal life force energy, the energy that flows around us, through us, and that we are all made up of, to promote deep relaxation and increase healing on a mind/body/spirit level. 

The Reiki practitioner directs the reiki energy, (universal life force energy) through the recipient's body to release stuck or stagnate energy caused by injury, trauma, or illness, to increase the individual’s energy flow, which increases relaxation, vitality, and activates the body’s natural healing ability. Reiki is used to alleviate physical and emotional ailments from anxiety & depression, to injuries, and chronic illness. 

Reiki can be performed in one-on-one settings, group settings, in guided meditations infused with Reiki energy, and over a distance. Yes, that’s how I work with most of my clients and it’s actually more powerful than meeting in person because the recipient can remain in the comfort of their own home and fall into full relaxation. 

I like to call Reiki an energy massage for mind, body, and spirit.

What is Your Body of Wisdom?

Your Body of Wisdom is based on the belief that we all have an innate inner knowing that can heal and transform. It also refers to my belief that it takes more than just one approach, but requires a well rounded body of different modalities. Its double meaning says that you have your own body of wisdom, but I also help you tap into a body of wisdom for your healing and transformation.

Your Body of Wisdom blossomed and came into fruition during the Pandemic of 2020 when I realized that we are going to need some extra healing, extra TLC, and extra self-care.

We all have the answers within. We all have the ability to heal ourselves. My purpose is to guide you in reconnecting with that deep knowing using different energy healing methods.